The Power of Five
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Mr. Biz Radio: The Power of Five!
Unedited transcription of the show is included below:
Welcome to Mr. Biz radio, Biz. Talk for Biz owners. If you're ready to stop faking the funk and take your business onward and upward, this show is for you. And now here's Mr. Biz, Ken Wentworth.
All right, welcome to another episode of Mr. Biz Radio with me, Mr. Biz Ken Wentworth. And guys, this week we're gonna talk about living a more powerful life. There's a lot of different ways to do that. You hear all sorts of different people have opinions on that, how to do it, et cetera, the importance of it. Of course, we're gonna talk about all that. We have a guest this week that has a very unique approach, at least I think it's a very unique approach, and that's why I wanted to have him on the show. Our guest this week is none than Mr. Dr. David Bernstein. He is a highly respected award-winning physician who is board certified in both internal medicine and geriatrics. And he's practicing in Clearwater, Florida. And I'll actually be in Clearwater in three or four days, so maybe we can connect. His 40 years of experience have provided him with opportunities to observe and empathize with thousands of adults as they age. His insight and ability to monitor patient patterns and outcome compelled him to share what he has learned with others. He has integrated his experience and practice with up-to-date research to develop a strategy to enhance longevity and vitality, and who doesn't want longevity and vitality. Dr. Bernstein, welcome to Mr. Biz Radio.
It's a pleasure. Thanks for the welcome, Ken. I really appreciate it. And that introduction was superb. Thank you,
<Laugh>. Yes, of course. Well, I could have gone on and on. I mean you know, I was, I was doing some show prep and, and obviously doing some research and gosh, I mean, all the things that you've accomplished and the publications, et cetera. I mean, just, I could have taken a whole first segment to talk about <laugh> some of your career and accomplishments, but let's talk a little bit about that. So you know, sort of your business journey, your career journey, entrepreneurial journey as you've gotten to, you know, where you're at now and talking about the power of five, et cetera.
Well, the, in terms of the entrepreneurial part, I grew up on Long Island, New York. The son of an immigrant World War ii combat wounded veteran who demonstrated about the importance of determination. And he even gave me a little book about gumption one time about making something of myself as he made something of him himself. So, so that's kind of the entrepreneurial part of me. It was the family business. It was the garment business, and I learned a lot about it. And, and I listened to my father when he said, don't go into this business. It stinks <laugh>. So I was encouraged to be a doctor and go to medical school, and, and I did. And somewhere along the line, two other things happened to me. One was at our high school graduation, the commencement speaker was introduced and I was on the committee that selected him, and he became an author.
And 10 years after graduating high school, he had some really he had really published some books and, and they had had become pretty well recognized, at least by me as a sports fan. Another thing I saw that influenced me was a cover of a National Geographic magazine where I saw a centenarian. And those are people who live to be a hundred. And I said, that's really fascinating. I wanna know what they do. I want to know their secrets. I want to incorporate that in my life as, as what I do, and also learn how I can help other people do that. So that was a big part of my journey. And then going to medical school making that choice and then setting out and practicing geriatric medicine.
Well, interesting. So when you decided to go into the medical field, decided you're gonna be a doctor, what sort of influenced you to go into the field that you're in?
Well, one was that national Geographic Magazine. Another was how my mother was so disturbed about how her parents, who were my grandparents were treated. And the medical care they got was subpar. And she promised, she made me promise her that I'd do a better job than those doctors did in, in, in that care. And, and that had a lot of influence on me to do that. And it, it enabled me to always have a vision and a purpose for why I was doing what I was doing. I also took the opportunity to make it fun, enjoyable, and took the time to learn as I was going not only about the health conditions, but about what made these people tick, what made them successful, and or what made them fail? What did they do right, what did they do wrong?
And it did prompt me to write my first book, which is Over This Shoulder here I've got some good news and some bad news. You're old. And at first it was gonna be a a humorous book. But as I began to write it, I realized that there were some really fundamental things that people who age successfully did, and they, and, and how they became resilient as a result of it. So if I have just a second, I'll tell you, there were five things, and I always limit myself to five things because I can remember five things and, you know, and the average person could probably remember five things. And, and, and so if you can do that, and I made it even easier by making it into a a, a word grace an acronym. So it stands for goals, roots, attitude, companionship, and Environment.
And I found people who had a goal or a purpose in life. People who had good d n a or if they had bad dna, n they could do something about it, if they had a positive attitude, which included gratitude and kindness. They had companionship and they interacted well with their environment, which had a a lot to do with lifestyle, and that's subject of my other book. But when they incorporated all those things, they were resilient. Now, after I published my book and I would speak to people, I realized that that's the same formula that people can use in their business for their family in their kitchen. Because, you know, like any business having a goal and a purpose and knowing what the roots of the business are displacing it or dispel manifesting a, a positive attitude and being gra grateful for what you have, and all those things that are part of that grace formula are things that can really propel people towards success in life and in in health.
Well, I love what you said about you know, studying and researching some folks that had been successful and had bumps in the road, because, you know, I talk about that all the time too, and I, I, I call it modeling expert behavior, find someone who's really good and has already been there, done that, and what you're trying to accomplish. I, you know, I've done it a little bit cer certainly not nothing near the extent that you have, but, you know, I, I always, I heard from my dad when I was, gosh, I was probably 10, 12 years old. My dad back then said his goal was he wanted to live to be a hundred years old. So as you mentioned, the centen centenarian and I, I took that on as a goal as well. You know, when I turned 50, people were like, oh my gosh, I'm, I said, I'm only halfway there.
Like, I've, I've only lived half of my life. Like, I plan on living, you know, another 50 years here. So, and, and doing some of those things. That's why one of the reasons I was so curious to, to have you on the show and talk to you, because, you know, for me, selfishly too, to learn some things that maybe I don't know about and to be able to do that. But I think, you know, that grace formula, you know, a lot of it has to do it sounds like with, with mindset and getting in the right mindset.
Well, it does. And, and it, but the interesting part for me was that I took that information from people who already successful. I'm not sure that they applied that mindset, but, you know, the group of people that were really influential for me were people who were retired Salvation Army officers, because they were in the business of giving back. They were always treating people well. They were all very kind and, and they may not have always had the environment and taking care of themselves apart, but these people lived into their eighties and nineties and, and they were just so joyful. And it was a pleasure to take care of them, and a pleasure to sort of inter, inter interview them every time they came in and said, well, so what was it that you did? Well, how did you become so successful and resilient? I mean, that was a feature about being a geriatrician that people don't, don't recognize. And, and I had a chance to do it.
Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'm sure that led up to a lot of what it, what to, in your books, et cetera. Again, this week, the week we're talking with Dr. David Bernstein. You can find out more at www.powerof5life.com. That's his website. You can follow him on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. We're gonna come back after the break. We're gonna give the Mr. Biz tip of the week, and we'll continue talking with Dr. Bernstein.
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All right, welcome back to the show. It is time for the Mr. Biz tip of the week, and this week's tip is actually a quote. I've mentioned this guy on a show a few times for, for those who, who listened to the show often. His name is Dan Pena. He is a very interesting guy. I would encourage you, if you have not heard anything or seen anything that Dan Pena, he has a tons of tons of videos. I think he has a YouTube channel. He is a very colorful guy, I'll put it that way. Very unique guy. And I actually had to take this quote. I, it's not a direct quote, although it's his, I had to clean it up because if you ever watch Dan Penna, you'll see that he has very colorful language. He doesn't beat around the bush whatsoever.
But anyway, the quote is, show me your friends, and I'll show you your future. And actually, this has a little bit to do with what Dr. Bernstein was talking about during the first segment as well, is not only that mindset, but you know, going back to the Jim Ron, you know, the, the closest five people that you spend time with, you know and that's what Dania was talking about further in this quote with this quote is, you know, if you're hanging out with five people that are drug addicts, you're probably end up being a drug addict. If you're hanging out with five people who are millionaires, you're probably gonna be a millionaire, because you start to normalize with the environment that's around you. So critically important we've talked about on the show before, but I thought that quote was pretty interesting because it kind of sums that all together.
And again, I encourage you go <laugh>, go look up Dan Pena and the story around this quote, oh my gosh, it sit hilarious. He's, he's just very funny. But so that's the tip of the week. Get back into talking with Dr. Bernstein. so Dr. Bernstein, so let's talk a little bit more about you know, now obviously being a physician and everything, but how you help folks now, maybe, you know, some of the people you had mentioned I think before we got on the on air is, you know, talking about some of the people that have, you've been able to help over the years.
Well, I can, I can break it into two groups. They're the people who came into my office 18 a day. I gave them some advice. They chose to take it or not. All too often the advice was a little difficult, and maybe they didn't but I could, I have sat down with people and changed their lives. People who were, it was a husband and wife. I write about in, in my book, "The Power of Five", who, who were about to have a heart attack and they were eating poorly and weren't taking our, our recommendation seriously. And after the heart attack there were major changes that happened in his life, and he, he adjusted his diet and started exercising. Things were going okay. And his wife didn't attack along with all that until she had breast cancer and exercise.
And one of the things I recommend has a 35% increase in recovery from, from cancer. So it, it improves your, it, it's beneficial to do that. So, so there were people in the con in those confines. One of my favorites is the woman who edited my book. And she's in, in her mid to late sixties at the time she did it, I know she read it three times because I paid her to <laugh>. And six months after reading my book three times, she had lost 35 pounds. She found a boyfriend had become sexually active. She had changed her attitude. She was sleeping better. She had followed everything that was in my book, and she took it upon herself to do that. And, and I think that was one of my glory experiences of someone who, who really put the pedal to the medal and followed my advice.
We'll talk a little bit, maybe in a minute or two about what that advice is, but, but the other thing that I think is important, particularly from the entrepreneurial standpoint, is that your, your business is always only as successful as your health is and the health of your employees. So not only do you have to look out for yourself, and you have to look out for the people around you who are selling your product or servicing your product, because if, if they, if they're not well and they lose work or they're not healthy enough and they're absent from work, your business suffers. So, so promoting this idea of taking care of yourself also should be promoted to your, the people you love and your life and the people who work for you, because it will also create some loyalty and in invigoration. So that's another component to why I think taking care of yourself is so important.
Yeah, for sure. And I think it's, it's, I'm glad you brought that up because I, I see it just way too often in, in the circles I run in and with the business owners and clients that I have so often is, you know, and you hear people talk about the grind and the hustle and all this other stuff. And not to say that you should, you know, you have to work hard and all that. But when you neglect yourself, and, you know, and I heard someone put it this way, this has been five or six years ago, I was in that mode and I was working my butt off and working tons of hours. And it, and I had always been very physically active, and I had kind of pushed that aside because I was, you know, start, I had left the corporate world and I was starting the business.
And man, I gotta really just hustle. And I, I'll get to that later. And thankfully I didn't have any, you know, health issues, but I started to see it because I wasn't sleeping as well, because I wasn't working out, you know, five or six days a week, which I had been doing prior. I wasn't eating as good because I was running around and I, oh my gosh, let me just, you know, stop at a fast food place and grab something. And so my diet had gone, you know, to crap. And I see it all the time. And I heard someone mention this few several years ago, and they said, look, man, it's all, it's, it's glorious. And it sounds like, oh my gosh, I'm working so hard. But to your point, what you mentioned, Dr. Bernstein, if you don't take care of yourself, what's gonna happen?
You're running the business and all of a sudden you have a health issue and you're out of pocket for 3, 4, 5, 6 months, who's running the business? How's that business gonna survive? What about the people who work for you in the business that rely on that bus and, and all of a sudden maybe you have to close your doors temporarily or something because you haven't taken care of yourself. And if you're not there to take care of yourself, you don't take care of yourself, you're not there to take care of others. The silly analogy of, you know, when you're on an airplane and they say, you know, the mask drop down, put yours on first, because if you pass out, you can't help anyone else. <Laugh>,
You are so right, Ken. It, it, you know, it's, it's part of things that a happened in my life at some point. And the other part was I felt that I needed to keep myself physically fit to do the job, even though it seems like a doctor just sits there and he's sitting on a stool and talks to you, I, I still needed to be fit. I, I still made rounds in the hospital. I still needed to be able to get in my car and get outta my car and walk around the floors of the hospital and getting up and down. And, and the job has gotten to be more of a grind in terms of more time using an electronic medical record and staring at a screen all the time. But in, unless we as physicians or we as business owners, keep ourselves fit, yeah, everything goes to, to pot. If, if we're not, well,
And think about it too, I mean, even outside of business, and again, I know I'm preaching of the choir here, but you know, if you don't take care of yourself and then you have a problem, now you've become, i, i hate to say the word, but you're almost like a, you, you're, you're a burden, right? You, someone has to take care of you, potentially maybe your, your wife, your spouse, your people in your family. Someone has to take care of you because you haven't taken care of yourself. And again, that, and what I mentioned earlier is, you know, when you're trying to do the right thing and you're working really hard and you think that's the right thing to do, that is right. But you still have to make time for yourself to take care of yourself. Otherwise, again, at some point you may become where people have to help you all the time and take care of you.
How you helping people? You know, I, another person mentioned, they said, you know, you know how to meet a person to help be someone who doesn't need help. You know, not only financially, but in, in this situation, health wise is being able to take care of yourself. So just critically important. So again, when we're talking this week with Dr. David Bernstein, you can find out more on his website. You can go out to www.powerof5life.com. You can follow him on LinkedIn and Facebook, Power Five Life on Twitter. And we're gonna talk in the next segment, we're gonna get into some meat and potatoes, and we're gonna talk about, he, he had mentioned his book over on my side, his, his right shoulder, but it "The Power of Five", and it's, it's talking about how to live a more powerful life. And so it's, we've kind of wet your appetite so far, and I've scratched the surface a little bit. We're gonna dive into that a little bit deeper as we get into this next segment and really pick Dr. Bernstein's brain and find out ways that, you know, we can all have more vitality and, and longevity as we talked about in at the outset of the show.
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Check out all three of Mr. Business best-selling books at mrbizbooks.com. Now, once again, here's Mr. Biz.
All right, welcome back to the show. And we want to talk, I wanna talk about the power of five. So we've, you've alluded to it a few times and for those unfamiliar I, let's, let's dive into that a little bit. And obviously they can find out more about getting the book "The Power of Five", but let's talk about that a little bit more and how we could utilize the power of five to, to live a more powerful life.
Thanks for asking. You, you know, one of the things, Ken, that is so, so important to me is that people remember to do things. Because even when I, when I used to go to my accountant and he would say, here's some things to do. It's like I was so stressed out about it that I never remember, but he wrote 'em down. But I couldn't. I compacted everything into five things, five things people can do. I made it even easier. They all begin with the letter S and we've all heard about these words. So the first one is avoid sweets. I've discovered in my research and my experiences that sugar is addicting and it's really hazardous to our health. And, and when I talk about our health, I will mention three things that cause the most illnesses in our society and it's heart disease, cancer and neurodegenerative disease.
And, and older people are very fearful as young people should be about getting dementia, which is that neurodegenerative disease. So the, the idea that came to me is, what can I relate? How can I relate this to people so that they'll understand it and give them a compact ideas about what to do. So sugar is the first one. Sugar causes inflammation in our, in our body, blood vessels in our brain, and can lead to cancer. Second is stress. So I tell people to avoid sweetss, avoid stress, and if it means their business is not o operating right, make some changes, hire some people, get the, get the stress off and or learn to be mindful and meditate. And, and I encourage people to take a 20 minute or 10 minute meditation and businesses to put in a meditation room for people to go to just relax during the course of the day, because they'll be much more productive.
And everything I talk about is science-based. Everything I talk about is it's never too early and never too late to incorporate these things in your life. And they have to be done with intention. So you have to intentionally reduce sugar, intentionally meditate. And then the, the next one is sweat, which is exercise. Getting somewhere the minimum number per day is 30 minutes, five days a week, which is 150 minutes. But it's important as we get older to build muscle mass because we'll lose 10% muscle mass per decade or 1% a year. So you not, you're not doing your exercise and for 20 years, you put yourself at greater risk for falls, greater risk for injury, you know, when you're 80 fractured hips, and then this steady decline. So making that a part of your life, starting early and doing it forever. So it's exercise.
So next one is sleep. In my final years in my practice, I saw so much sleep disorders and particularly sleep apnea. And, and this relates to obesity and the obesity epidemic that that goes on. But certainly sleep is incredibly important. It rejuvenates our brain, and we, we can't be good entrepreneurs or business people or anything, or spouses are sexually active if we're not getting enough sleep. So sleep is important. Seven or eight hours a day, I have on my smartphone apps to con to count and keep track of my sleep. It's incredibly important. So, and then the fifth one is my favorite. And in my generation, I learned that sex sells. So sex is one of the s's and it's the final s and for people who are a little squeamish about keeping sex in there, it's really about socialization.
It's about companionship and, and sex is about intimacy, and the opposite of intimacy is loneliness. And even before the Covid Pandemic, I had been writing about and reading about the fact that loneliness in our society is a health hazard, it's just as hazardous as those other things. It's the same hazardous smoking 15 cigarettes a day, or being obese, and men in particular don't know how to make connections very well. We work really hard, we work with our staff, we go home. We, we, we open our book or we go to our computer and we don't know how to make those connections. And for me, I'm guilty in lots of regards because in my day 18 patients were put in my room. I had 18 friends come in and said, hello, how are you? What are you doing? Da, da, da. I gave them the, their, their treatment and then off to the next one.
But in terms of a social life, we rely on our wives to do that. And now that I'm in a different phase of my life, I make it a point, it's like part of my exercise. I also make coffee appointments or lunch appointments with men and, and, and have a lunch group that I'm with. And, and, and I don't turn down any of those opportunities because it's like taking care of my own health. And, and it's incredibly important and, and it's incredibly important sort of in environment of work and in business to make those connections and, and be with other people because it's invigorating. And, and so the power of five is about five S's. And and, and that's in my book. And, and for businesses and for others to make it even easier, I converted my book into an online course.
It's a little over five hours of all this information with really tips, which are in my book as well, about how you can go about doing those things. I also stress things like sexuality in older adults and how people can do that. And I talk about one other issue that's important for, you know, we're talking about business people, about the concept that caregiving or how much caregiving empl your employers, your employees have to do. 50 million Americans in this country are unpaid caregivers. If they're an unpaid caregiver, they're not showing up at work to take care of their business because they're at home taking care of a family member, or they're called into play to, to do something a a out of town a and as an emergency. So it becomes imperative to recognize that within your staff. And, and then I would encourage business owners to consider offering these kinds of plans or this concept or, or my course to their business, to their employees to make them healthier.
So they show up for work and they're invigorated and they have a a workout or work opportunities a walk around the track. They have a meditation area and they have exposure to healthy food. I, I worked in a hospital and I would go in for breakfast and I would see at the first place people can go in, they get biscuits and gravy. It was like, what are you doing? You're, you're, you're making your staff obese, giving them coronary artery disease so they can come back and use their health dollars to, to, to take care of their health and, and the message isn't getting across. And, and I think it's a real sad part of society. So I take my time and I explain this to as many groups as I can, because that's, that's my mission in life.
Well, I'll tell you so much to unpack with all that, but I, I really want to mention, you know, the, the aspect of the socialization. You know, I, I think especially during the pandemic, I, I know myself and I've talked about it on the show before I had, I wouldn't call it a meltdown, but I had a little as closest I've ever gotten to having like a meltdown where I just like went, it was kind of like stir crazy. All of a sudden I started to get irritated about the silliest little things, you know, because everyone, you know, the kids are in the house, my wife's in the house, we're all home, we're all stuck in the house. And I figured out that it was because I was not getting out of, and I told my wife, I said, I cannot go more than 36 hours of st and being in this house, even if I just leave to go take a drive for 20 minutes just to get out of the house, hopefully to be around people.
But at the time, during the pandemic, when you couldn't, it was just to get outta the house. But now I make a point, like you said, with appointments and things like that. I think I know for me, critically important to get that interaction because like you said, that socialization and, and so the statistics you mentioned were, are, those are staggering, you know, the same impact of smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Holy crap. I mean, I would've never imagined that. That's crazy. Really good information. Dr. Bernstein. Again, www.powerof5life.com. You can find Power of Life on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Dr. Bernstein, thank you so much for coming on the show. I really appreciate it.
He, it's been my pleasure. Thanks for the invitation.
Yeah, absolutely awesome information. Lots of stuff to unpack from his, all of this. Pick up his book, the Power of Five as well, guys, thanks for watching. Thanks for listening. Have a fantastic weekend. As always, don't forget, Cash Flow is king
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