Habits to Creating a World Record Mindset
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Mr. Biz Radio: Habits to Creating a World Record Mindset
Unedited transcription of the show is included below:
Welcome to Mr. Biz radio Biz Talk for biz owners during the next half hour, Mr. Biz, Ken Wentworth, a leading business adviser, and two time bestselling author we'll cover topics that will help business owners run their companies more profitably and more efficiently. If you're ready to stop faking the funk and take your business onward and upward, this show is for you. And now here's Mr. Biz Ken Wentworth. All right, welcome to another episode of Mr. Biz Radio with me, Mr. Biz, Ken Wentworth, and we have got a great show
For you guys this week. You know, again, we're always trying to bring on different types of guests, people with different types of backgrounds, but the common theme being things that can help you again with your business, with your mindset, making you a better business owner, better person, helping you accomplish more, be more successful, et cetera. And so this week we're going to talk about having a world record mindset and what you are capable of doing. And sometimes some of the things that are required of having that type of mindset. And so this week's guest is a again, you know what we do here at man, we don't just bring on anybody. So this person who better to talk about a world record mindset than someone who has, I don't know, maybe broken a world record two, five, eight. How about someone who's broken 15?
Yes. 15 one five world records. You think that'd be someone good to talk about world record mindset? Of course it would. So without further ado, welcome to the show, Mr. Kenny Patterson. Thanks Ken. Yeah, look, man. I'm I got to tell you guys, I I, can he train at a gym here in Columbus, a private gym Westside barbell, for those of you sort of in that in the powerlifting world would certainly know that name. And and then I trained with him for a bit when he left, after he left Westside barbell and he's since moved on and he's lived out in Arizona now and enjoying that nice warm weather while we're freezing our butts off back here in Ohio. But I saw an interview he did with another guy who used to train with for a long time. And I was fascinated by things they talked about and, and a lot of it was about mindset. And so I'm like, gosh, I got to have Kenny on the show. And so can they tell us you know, tell us a little bit about your, your, your, I guess your competitive journey, how you got started. I know you got started as a teenager, how'd that all come to fruition?
So it really began with high school football. My high school was kind of catty corner from where Westside barbell was to opening their first commercial gym. And so one day on the way home from football conditioning, my freshman year, I saw all these enormous guys moving all this equipment into the gym. So me being inquisitive, I ride up on my bike and I go in and I ask him, you know, what it is what's going on. And so the owner who obviously is world famous Louis Simmons, owner of West side barbell told me, I think it was like, come back next Wednesday, we'll be open and then you can join or whatnot. And that was really the start of it. I had, I had always been interested in sports. I athletically as a child. I was very gifted. I started training weight training about 12 years old at the local Y YMCA.
And obviously you really don't know what you're doing. So you're seeing the bigger guys in there and you just try and emulate what they're doing, but, but it was really when I set foot in that gym the first time and then saw strength at a whole different level. I'll be at the level at that time. Wasn't what we pushed it to, but it was still as a 14, 13 year old kid. I think it was 13 or 14 at the time. You know, walking in and seeing these guys that are, you know, 220, 30, 40, 60 pounds of really just muscle and aggression was kind of like it was addictive. And so that was kind of what pulled me into that sport.
Yeah. And so it's, I'm glad you mentioned that because, and we talked a little bit before we even got started. It came out, came on air here, but you know, it's, it's a whole nother mindset when you, you know, Kenny mentioned before we got started is, you know, you go into a gym and you see someone, those of you are in the gym and go to the gym workout. You know, you see someone put two 25 on the bar and benching, which is the two big plates on each side. And, you know, in most gyms, that's a lot of weight, you know, when you put two plates on each side, you get some attention around most gyms, you know, most of those, you know, commercial gyms that, you know, the planet Fitnesses of the world and all that kind of stuff. If you're pushing two 25 reps, people are like, Holy crap, who the heck is that? But we're talking about a whole nother level from there. I mean so, so talk, talk to us a little bit about how getting in there, especially as a young guy. So what was the average age of some of the other folks that were in there when you started as a teenager?
Probably the people that were really adamant about the power lifting aspect of it were probably in their we'll call it like mid twenties to early thirties. So that was, you know, the Chuck Vogelpool, Gino Cardi, you know, play people like that, that were really into the sport already competing and things like that. So they were younger people. And then obviously Louie was probably later thirties, maybe ish. But you know, as a young person, when you 14 years old and you see these people 10 years older than you, the one thing that you realized was they had to start somewhere too. And so from day one, I always had a visualization of that's where I'm going to be, and I'm going to beat these people now, why I thought that not really sure it could have just been a lost kid, but in the end it worked out. But, but it was really just about seeing the success of some of these people and, and watching what they do and seeing the effort that they put into their craft and, and kind of emulating that and just kind of riding their coattails, so to speak. And I think that
It's a big part of it though, you know, isn't it, I mean, because again, if you're they talk about, you're the product of the five people you spend the most time with, and especially when you're trying to do things that are that award record-breaking type things, you have to be around the right people. You know, you're not going to no offense to people who train at planet fitness, but you're not going to see someone coming out of planet fitness, you know, doing some of the things that you guys did at Westside barbell, or even another big gyms, because I think a lot of it is you become the big fish in a small pond
And you feel like, you know, your head honcho and so you don't push beyond some of those what you consider to be boundaries, whereas at a place like Westside barbell, there are no freaking boundaries. Right? I mean,
Absolutely. Yeah. I think one of the things for me, like I said, coming in as a kid, I didn't have expectations about what I was doing. Right. So I didn't know what was possible. And I remember that the people that I really looked up to and I highlight is Louis, obviously being one of them, chunk of Liverpool was another, when Chuck was a local kid, like I was, we grew up on the next street over, I think he's about 10 years older than me. And I remember the one day that kind of put me on the map. So Chuck at the time was probably one of the stronger, if not the strongest person that we had as his body weight. And a couple of years in, I think I might've been about 18, 19 years old. I finally out bench, Chuck never got out squatting and deadlifting, you're aware of that. But, but I finally out benched him at like 19 years old. And I remember thinking like, that's when you arrived, that's when, when you kind of knock off an idol and I don't want to say knock off, like from a total perspective, but one lift, which obviously is what I known for. It w that was the day that you kind of put your flag in the sand and you say, I've arrived. I'm here now. Now let me make my Mark.
Yeah, no, that's gotta be huge. I can't even imagine, especially at that young of an age, you know, like I said, even saying you were whatever, five, six years in at that point, you know, and again, you have any idea what you were mentioning when you join Westside barbell.
So I actually joined like I said, there was some, I think it was summer of 88 and Louie had put on like a little, we'll call it a gym meet kind of like to get people accustomed to the sport and drawing them into what we do. And I think my first, I was a hundred and about 45 pounds body weight. And I think I benched like one 65 and I just had a natural strength. I think that's my, that's my God given talent. And it, it really just escalated from there. And I re I remember going into my sophomore season of football and being the second strongest person on the team. You know, behind all the seniors that have been there for four years, but I do remember certain numbers. I mean, obviously I'm old enough now. I can't remember everything, but even coming out of high school, one of my, my goal was through high school was to always bench 500 before I got out of high school. I did not accomplish that. My best bench in high school as a senior was four 65. And, and I think it was September of the year. I graduated actually bench 500 for the first time at 18.
Wow. Wow. So guys, those you guys listening, right? You probably, most of you are just like, wait a minute, what we're back up. He just did he just say 500 pounds, hundred 65 pounds. You guys have no idea where we're going to get into more of Kenny's accomplishments. I told you this guy's a 15 time world record holder 500 is nothing. Okay. We're going to talk about much bigger things than that. Coming up. So we're going to hit the break here, pay some bills. We are going to come back, give them Mr. Biz tip of the week. And we're going to talk a little bit more with Kenny about some of the things they did at Westside barbell and some of the methodologies and mindset that it takes. And of course, in the last segment, he's gonna tell us some habits to create a world record mindset.
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Out to Arizona and it just so happens that our neighbors are from Dublin Ohio. So we became good friends with them. And unfortunately, as we got to know them, we realized that they had lost their oldest son to drug addiction. And you know, many people have gone through this. A lot of people won't talk about it. They're very open. It affected my family as well. So Vicki, my neighbor she's kind of dedicated her life to a drug addiction awareness and things like that. She's written a book she's currently in the process of writing three more children's books to help children learn how to cope with it. Maybe if they're in a, in a family where the parent is often in and out, maybe they're in rehab, things like that. And she's just, she's such an advocate to educating people, especially the youth and, and driving that home to people that it, this, this addiction and, and I guess disease happens to good families. And so she started a go fund me she's in the process, like I said, of, of writing three more books and she did a go fund me to try and raise funds for the illustration. She does. This is all out of pocket. It's not necessarily a business or anything like that. So we we've just try and help her gain awareness and get that GoFund me out there to try and get her, her money raised for the illustrations to get these next three books out.
Yeah. So let me mention that. And we'll put these in the show notes as well links to both of these, but her website is Mo that's M O O dash. It's an acronym. You'll see moo-mothersopposingopioids.com. So again, moo-mothersopposingopioids.com is her website. You can find her first book and more information about what she's trying to do. And the go-fund me link again. We'll put it in the show notes, of course, but if you go out to fund me and you search for it, I just did this yesterday to make it as simple as possible. If you search for three children's books about addiction, you'll find her GoFund me and you can help out and help her create those other three books. And again, like Kenny said, I was researching when I was doing show prep. These are books aimed at four to eight year old kids.
Right? You got to get out in front of this problem. You can't wait until someone's 15, 16 in some cases it's too late at that point. So it's really good cause so I really appreciate that. I want to make sure we highlight that a little bit before we get into some of the, some of the other stuff we're going to talk about. So moving on, tell us, you know, some of that mindset and maybe even share a couple of stories or anecdotes here and there that illustrate some of that, the mindset you guys had at West side to be able to do some of the things you did,
You know, I'll be honest with you. It really, so you almost had for what we did, you almost have to be a bit crazy, right? Like, like I said, I mean, the, as we were talking earlier that the weights that some of us were climbing up under can kill you, right? So obviously my best bench of all time was 728 pounds at the time. I, at one point in time, I held the world record in three different weight classes simultaneously, which I was the first person to do. Also when I benched over 700, I was the youngest person to ever do it at the time. So I had quite a few claims to fame. But really, I mean, from a mindset perspective, you just have to, you have to believe there's nothing that can stop you, but, but to do so you also have to be putting in all of the work necessary.
So you have to think about it as the competitors that, that I'm competing against. And I was very fortunate to have another world record holder that I competed against George Halbert in our very gym. So we would trade world records back and forth. And my mindset always had to be no matter what he's doing, I have to be outworking him. If you know, if he's done, you know, six reps was something I have to do seven. And, and it really just, it's about waking up and doing everything that you think you have to do to be successful. But first and foremost, you have to see yourself being successful. I was a big visualization person. I would always sit. And even when competitions would come up, I would literally play the competition through in my head what it was going to be like, your preparation for the meet day, weigh ins, all of that.
And you really just have to be dedicated to your craft. And, you know, I hate to say it this way, but there's a lot of sacrifices along the way. You know, both, you know, personal and professional. I mean, we all had jobs that we worked every day that came first and foremost, but your priority one B was competitions, right? Competing training. And unfortunately the people that often sacrificed or your family, I mean, I can go back and tell you that, you know, if, if bench day fell on Christmas morning, my daughter had to wait until I got home from the gym to open Christmas gifts because we trained that morning. And so it was really, you just poured your heart and soul into doing what you were passionate.
Yeah. Well, it goes back to so entrepreneurs, business owners, you guys have heard this a million times. You're the product of the five people you spend the most time with. That's exactly what he's talking about. What Kenny's talking about here, people in the gym, like he mentioned, he had another world record holder that he was training with in the gym. So he's got a, a training partner slash frankly rival, right? But he has one of those people. That's one of those five people that he's spending the most time with that he knows what the possibilities are. And by the way, if you guys missed it, did you hear what he said? 728 pounds. He bench pressed. And by the way, I saw him bench more than that in the gym. But for those of us who compete, we don't count gym lifts. Those don't count. And the only then counts is what you do in a competition as judged by three judges, et cetera. So he's, I saw him bench, I'll just say much more than that in the gym. So but by the way, while we're talking about that, we've only got a little, a little over a minute left in the segment, but you might as well throw out there to what about your dead lift and squat? Let's let's blow people away a little bit more.
So my best squat was eight 81 and my best deadlift was six 61. So the one thing, the one thing I was always known for is as a bench press specialist. So, you know, obviously in power lifting their squat bench and deadlift what people don't realize about me that I also, at one point in time had the six highest total of all time in the two twenties. So yeah, so through the course of kind of specializing on the bench, I, to be real transparent, I got a little bit bored with it. So you want to challenge yourself in other areas and competing or training alongside all of these other, you know, full power lifters is what they call them. You just kind of gravitated right into it. And you know, it turns out obviously most ventures aren't going to be good deadlines. There's obviously you're aware of that just because of the, the makeup of your body, but you know, becoming a big squatter. I squatted over 900 in the gym. We don't count those obviously, but that's something else I was extremely proud of is being, you know, six highest total of all time as the two twenties in the time, but to be known as a bench press specialist,
Right? Yeah, no, no, absolutely. And so again, think about the five people that Kenny's around. He's around people that are squatting over a thousand. So him he's, he's in the high eight hundreds, which is amazing, but he's looking up going crap I'm way behind because I got guys squatting over a thousand, right? So it's who he is comparing himself to those five people that he's around the most. That's what makes a big difference. We're going to come back and Kenny's going to give us some habits to create a world record breaking mindset.
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Here's Mr. Biz. All right. Welcome back to show again, talking this week with Kenny 15 time world record holder, Kenny Patterson. And again, I want to mention the cause that we were going to try to support during the show guys, go out, check it out moo-mothersopposingopioids.com. Look, this thing is such a huge problem in today's world. Unfortunately I I'm, I'm fairly certain to say that if you, your family hasn't been directly impacted, you know, someone who has so super important this woman that Kenny knows really well is created one book it's, it's aimed at four to eight year old kids, helping them learn about it and steer them away from it obviously. And she's also trying to write three more and she a go fund me. So if you got the GoFund me the, the go fund, me.com and search for three children's books about addiction.
You'll find her go fund me to help her fund those next three books. And again, we'll put the, these links in the show notes as well. So it's easy to find and easy to get to, but definitely a, a cause that we are fully in supportive and super important, especially with everything going on in the world today. So, so can you talk to us a little bit about I know it's going to be tough to boil this down and, you know, eight minutes or seven minutes or whatever, but think about T tell us about some habits you think that we need to create to have, you know, create that world record type mindset.
Yeah, you're right. It's hard to boil it down in eight and a half minutes. So I think one of the things, you know, obviously the primary, your primary target audience is business owners, right? So I think much like us as powerlifters, you have to have a plan. So I think we always are. I should say, I always kind of looked at my training for our competition as like a project plan, which is what I do today. I'm a project manager. So I think going into everything you do with a plan and being able to kind of stick to the plan, but not, not being afraid to kind of waiver from the plan, because everything that we do doesn't always work. So there has to be some flexibility to your approach, to how you're doing things. I think one of the other really important things, whether you're a beginning lifter, a new business owner, a world champion or whatever, you have to be willing to listen and learn from other people because there's so many times that we were around other people that maybe weren't necessarily the caliber of lifter you are, but maybe something they were doing, you thought, Oh, I'm going to try that.
And you did. And it pushes you to the next level. So I think being humble and being open-minded to learn from others and being able to incorporate things and being willing to fail. So I think that's everything that we do is not going to be successful. I can tell you, I could, if we sat and talked for hours, I could tell you for every five things we did that we succeeded at, we probably failed at a hundred because we were always trying to push the level of training or that threshold of what can we do new and innovative in the world of strength training that may push us to the next level. And ultimately may it puts, it may have set you back, but at the end of the day, you have to continue to push one thing. I tell people if, if I could physically do it again, obviously at, at 48, I can't do it today.
But if I went back and duplicated the same training I did for the first time, I'd been 700, the probability of me benching 700 again, is slim to none because your body's already become acclimated to it. Right. So you've done it before. So you have to continually push your volume and your work capacity up, which I think is the same thing that you have to do in your business, right? You can't be, you can't cut, become complacent with being here when you're trying to reach up here. So it's, how do I get to that next level? What do I need to do to push myself? And I think learning and trying things and being willing to fail is ultimately how we achieve success.
Yeah, yeah, no, I could definitely see that for sure. I mean, again, I think a lot of these things are applicable across and that's why, and frankly, not just for business owners, either. I mean, for everybody, everybody, everyday people, they need these types of things. I need to have this mindset. You know, it's funny, I'll just real quick jump in with I'm sure you remember Dave Waterman, right? You know, Mr. Four-Foot 11 like built like a brick crap house, right. Comes on the scene. And I remember I went down to trying to think, I think it was in Daytona. You Georganne bench down there as well. Waterman was there. And I remember talking to Waterman because again, just like you're talking about, I was trying to learn and I remember him telling me something, I could not believe I was asking about his training. And I asked, Oh, you know, talking about, you know, how often does he fail in training? And he said, he looked at me like I was ridiculous. And he said, I haven't missed a training left and I don't know, probably six months. And that just seems so foreign to me. I mean, jam and I talked about it and I'm like, I think he's missing the boat. Like as good as he was, how much better could he have been? You know?
Yeah. I think one of the things too, when you go back and obviously you are around the sport for quite awhile, I don't want to call them one hit wonders, but you've seen a lot of people burst onto the scene and didn't last very long. So one of the things I think about Westside barbell and what I was able to accomplish there was longevity. So things that I think I'm probably as proud of, if not anything else was for 10 consecutive years, I benched over 700 pounds in competition for 10 years. And there's people. Yeah. There's people that didn't have two year careers. Right. And so one of the other things was you put yourself in a position when you're, when you're so good at something to everyone else. You're a world record holder or world champion. And the expectation is that you're going to beat that every time out.
But when you're the only person that's ever done it, it puts another level of pressure on you. So when you think about Usain bolt and running the a hundred meters, he didn't break the a hundred meter record every time he ran. So it was interesting because if I went out and if my best bench was seven 28 and I ended up venturing, you know, seven 15 in a competition, people would ask, Oh my God, what happened? Like I got seven, 15, that's what happened, you know? And so it's interesting the way people perceive, you know, what it takes to do something, they just think you're gonna walk out and lay down and, and just do amazing things. And it's just so much different. You know, when you think about what I get questions quite a bit on social media, even though I haven't competed since 2005.
And what I really enjoy is kind of talking to some of the younger people. So some, some of the lessons that I like to tell people, everything that I learned training at Westside barbell from 1988, till 2003, I actually applied all of those lessons learned and mentalities in my professional career. So I've been with the same company for 30 years now. And one thing I learned is the harder you work, the more success you have, the more income you gain, you know, it just, it, you can't replace hard work and dedication, right? So obviously even to this day in my professional career, people will say, I'm an obsessed with, you know, with work. And to me, obsessed is just a word that lazy people use to describe the dedicated. Yep. And you know, so I always tell people if you're, if you're power lifting, if you're whatever you're doing, do it for fun. If it's not fun, don't do it because it's not paying you anything and actually costs a ton of money. But use the lessons that you're learning from strength training to apply to your real world scenarios in life.
Yeah. No, that's, that's exactly why I wanted to have you on the show, Ken, because I think, again, that mindset, I had an example and I don't, I'll just real quick. I went to nationals one year and I had already won a couple of world championships time and I went to nationals and I finished third. I went through the wind on my third lift. I had a terrible meet, went for the win on my third lift. Didn't get it ended up finishing third. I was so ticked at myself that I pulled the, I threw the trophy away, but I pulled the little little name plate off and drilled a hole in it. And I put it on my key chain because I wanted to carry that fricking thing around with me as a reminder, every single freaking day between nationals and the world championships that I fell well way short people, same thing. People are like, you finished third in national championship. Oh my gosh. How are you disappointed in that? And I'm like, because I've already won four world championships. Right. Third and the nationals sucks. That's terrible. Right? And they're like, Oh my gosh, you're crazy. I carried that thing around. I set a world record at the, a worlds that year because I needed that.
Absolutely. One of the greatest things about that sport specifically to me was whether you did good or you did that, it's still fueled you to train. So if, you know, for me, if I broke a world record or I'd done something great for myself, I wanted to get back in the gym. Cause it kind of reinvigorated the hunger to be better. And obviously if you fail, you were just and you wanted to get back into gym to start trading right away. So yeah,
No, that is the beauty of the sport. I that's one of the things I love about the most. I think, and I miss it. I've been contemplating trying to come back and try to do maybe one more competition, but man, I just don't know. I don't know if the body can take it. No, thank you. Yeah. Yeah. Well, Kenny, I really appreciate you coming on the show again. Kenny Patterson, 15 time world record holder. She got a lot of good things really appreciate coming on showcase.
That was my pleasure. I appreciate you having me.
Yeah, absolutely. Man. All right guys. Thanks for listening. Have a great week. And don't forget as always cash flow is
This has been Mr. Biz radio to learn how to become part of Mr. Biz nation. Visit mrbizsolutions.com for access to free weekly content. Subscribe to the Mr. Biz YouTube channel and follow him on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter to listen to archive shows. You can find them on the Mr. Biz solutions website.
Causes Kenny supports:
GoFundMe (3 Children's Books about Addiction): https://www.gofundme.com/f/3-childrens-books-about-addiction?fbclid=IwAR2k3MthMkhwLPQOuNo0m0qCiAhKy6Xi6P_NCjC6tjs7uW6b1oORx5cm2H4
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