Effective Public Speaking for Entrepreneurs
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Mr. Biz Radio: Effective Public Speaking for Entrepreneurs
Unedited transcription of the show is included below:
Welcome to Mr. Biz radio, Biz. Talk for Biz owners. If you're ready to stop faking the funk and take your business onward and upward, this show is for you. And now here's Mr. Biz, Ken Wentworth.
All right, welcome to another episode of Mr. Biz Radio with me and Mr. Biz Ken Wentworth. And we're gonna talk about something. I gotta, I gotta be honest with you, I gotta start with a, a quick little story and tell you why we have this week's guest on and what you're gonna learn from this show. So I was super shy, hated speaking in front of people, even just three or four people. And in college I did an insurance internship with someone who I respected a lot. Asked his, what's one thing you could tell me? I got two years of college left. And he said, take every communication class you can. It'll help you in your career and be able to communicate effectively, and it'll help you in your career. You know, bust through some of those glass ceilings that you're gonna inevitably come through.
And I took that, I took a class, a speech class. Again, I was terrified. We videotaped it. You had to critique yourself. And I mean, to tell you, it was absolutely when I, awful is not even the right, I, I, that's not even strong enough. I mean, it was so bad. So I went to the professor and tried to learn from her. Of course, that's what the show was for. Or I'm sorry, the class was for, and the show. And so I said, gosh, how do I get better at this? And so throughout the class, I got better and better. And throughout the years and, and now I'm very comfortable getting in front. And a matter of fact, I enjoy being up in front of people. I get a lot of energy from it. I love it. And that's why I wanted to talk about, you know, a couple things we're gonna talk about in this week's show.
Overcoming the fear of public speaking, which people talk about is one of the biggest fears that everyone has of, of dne. And then we're gonna get some tips also from our guests on effective speaking for entrepreneurs and business owners, et cetera. So this week's guest is none of the, then Dr. Reesa Woolf, she's an international Ted Talk trainer. Come on, that's got someone good, good to learn from on speaking. Right. Even though I couldn't speak there. She's a keynote speaker and author with more than 30 years of experience preparing CEOs and their teams to speak with confidence. She's an expert in demystifying and eliminating the fear of public speaking. Dr. Woolf, welcome to Mr. Biz Radio.
It is a pleasure to be here. You helped so many people, it's really nice to be in your world, Ken.
Well, I appreciate that your kind words and, and you help a lot of people too. And especially with this topic. Oh my gosh. Like I wish I'd have known you, you know, many, many moons ago when I was going through my struggles with, with that class especially. Oh my gosh. So I guess before we dive into some of the, the meat of everything we're gonna talk about, if you would share with us a little bit about your entrepreneurial journey.
Hmm. You know, how there are some people that when they speak at a meeting, everyone looks at them when they begin to speak and stays looking at them the whole time. They hold people's attention the whole time they speak. Those are the people I studied. And truth is, I am one of those people. But the difference between them and me is that I know how I do it. <Laugh>, <laugh>. So I st years ago I started, I worked for the largest and oldest management seminar, training company, the American Management Association. And I was a senior trainer for them for 20 years teaching public speaking classes. And over those years, I was remarkably effective at curing people's public speaking fear. It could be, cuz I have a doctor in psychology, and I threw that in <laugh> as well. <Laugh>, I kind of, you know, used corporate language, but I still, you know, really messed I took out their scrambled thinking, fixed it, shoved it back in.
Yeah. And I thought, geez, I'm so good. I'm getting these evaluations. I'm going to be a keynote speaker at conventions. And I did do that, and I did make the big money, but this is what I realized. I have a skill that's even better than that. And that is, I know how to make anyone in the room speak on stages with confidence. And that's what I've been doing for a long, long time. Now, I've, I've trained head talk speakers, as you said, and I see people really high level people, or people who want to move up high level or business owners for public speaking. And it's usually because they have some big talk coming <laugh>. Otherwise they never would've sought someone for this. But boy, lives, lives are changed as soon as you take out the crazy that doesn't belong there and fix it. Wow. What a difference.
Yeah. And you know, not only is it important for, you know, the vast majority of our, our, our viewers, our listeners, our our entrepreneurs, business owners, but even on the corporate side of things, as I mentioned, I benefited from taking those communication classes because I got to JP Morgan and I started to rise through the ranks. I got to a certain place where you, you know, became more of a leader and you had a bigger sphere of, of, of influence. And being able to stand up in front of, you know, at first it was a hundred people. And then as you continue to grow, it's a 500 people, and then you're given 1500 people, and then you're up in front of 10,000 people. And if you don't have the confidence, you know, someone someone told me one time, they said, look, you could be absolutely brilliant at whatever your air of expertise is.
Mm-Hmm. <Affirmative>. But if you cannot communicate it effectively, no one's ever going to know. And matter of fact, if you can't communicate effectively, they're, they may think that you're an idiot because you, you just can't speak. You don't have any sort of charisma, no, no drawing factor. And so as you're trying to communicate what you know in your expertise, they're like, this person, the uss and the UMS and all those different things that make up, you know, are challenging for people, a lot of times in public speaking, it makes you look way less intelligent than you probably are. And so, you know, getting through those things, I found was something that really helped my career, even on the corporate side of things. Now, especially, you know, I'm a speaker. I do, I give key keynote notes. I have the show here. You know, I'm, I'm always, I'm interviewed constantly and I would never have been able to do that. You know, I don't get callbacks for interviews. And I'm not trying to brag, but you know, people wouldn't call me back if it was terrible. That's how I, that, that's my vote of confidence. Dr. Wolf <laugh>, right? <Laugh>,
Well, completely. And actually I'll bet everyone here listening knows someone who is not as good as them, not as talented as them, not as much skills, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. But because they speak well, they get the standing ovations. They get the gigs, they get the contracts, they get the favor of the people, of your, of your bosses. And to even the playing field. They're two things. One, you have to learn how to write. You have to learn how to deliver not only the ideas, but also the body language, the voice, all of the stuff that makes a person good. And that you can take in a class that you can read from a book. But what is different that I want to suggest to you and your audience is that you never actually have to be confident <laugh>. And by that I mean everyone's nervous the first five minutes.
And most people, you know, after the first five minutes, they feel more confident, they act more confident, their body language relaxes. They start gesturing, they start using their voice more. What I suggest to everyone is take five minute later, you select copy and paste it, and just pretend you are that person when you begin. And it could be the last thing I did was like for 800 people, for the state of something or other. It was a big, big, big thing. And I hadn't spoken in person because of Covid in so long. I was not confident the whole entire time. And you can see who I am. I, I'd looked like this. I sounded fabulous. I gave them so much information and helpful stuff. When I stepped off the stage, I went, good job. You know, I want everyone to evaluate themselves. But here's the thing, and I wanna share with everyone, it's distracting to people.
When you show your fear and you're all hooked, you know, bent over and your voices, you don't worry about your voice. Don't worry about your handshaking. No one cares. They're there for your information. So here's my one, my first takeaway, and that is don't even think about being confident. Just drop that goal. Your goal is to look confident because your physical presence is contagious. You know, when someone's fearful, how you get uncomfortable too when you're in the audience. Sure. So it's the same thing that when you turn on your best self, it's just easier for people to hear your information. And because you've done the homework of learning how to write, learning how to make user-friendly notes, et cetera, et cetera, once you, you can say to yourself, well, I know I wrote a good talk. I know it's gonna help 'em. So what I'll just put on my best self anyway. Look, everyone, when they go to a job interview turns on their best self. That's the self I'm talking about you. Yeah. When you're speaking at meetings and any other time, this isn't you, you know, you and I talked about keynotes. I'm gonna talk today about just speaking at meetings and just getting business. Just closing Beatles.
Yeah. Absolutely Dr. Woolf. Good stuff. Unfortunately we gotta have a break here. Come back after the break on Mr. Biz Radio. We will talk give the Mr. Biz tip of the week and continue to talk with Dr. Reesa Woolf.
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All right, welcome back to show. It's time for Mr. Tip of the week. And this week's tip is take the risk. Business is like the MMA or ufc, no one goes undefeated. So don't be afraid to take the risk. You and you all heard this many times, it's so cliche, but it is so true, at least so far in my life, you're gonna regret what the risk you didn't take as opposed to the things that you did and didn't work out. Because you're gonna learn from even the things that don't work out. Of course, you're gonna learn from if you approach it the right way. And of course you're going to do that, right? Right. Okay. So again, we're talking this week with Dr. Reesa Wolf. You can find out more on her website , confidentspeaking.com. That's confidentspeaking.com, and also follower on LinkedIn.
So I wanna tell you real quick, Dr. Woolf I, so I, I gave a keynote in Miami a few months ago and the month before. So I, the, the, the the, the subject I was covering was about my, my most recent book. So I I, you know, this is almost, it's not an autobiography, but a lot of, it's very autobiographical. So of course I know the content, you know, more than the back of my hand, right? But what I did was, I, I looked up who are the top 10 speakers, right? And so I found a bunch of different lists, and I picked ones I thought were the best. Like the people that are just, as you mentioned, they're magnetic, right? They could talk, talk to you about the paint on the wall, and you're like drawing lean in. Like, oh my gosh, is it, is it gray?
Is it a hue of blue? Like, what? You know. And I, so I, I vowed that I would watch at least two hours of each of the top 10 speakers. And I sat there and took notes about everything, about their hand gestures, about their movement on stage. Were they behind the podium? Podium? Did they walk around? At what points did they walk around? How did they emphasize certain points? You know, when, how often did they, they draw the audience in with some sort of engagement. Hey, raise your hand if you've done this or that sort of thing. And I took the 10 speakers. I watched, you know, I was more than 20 hours, but two hour, at least two hours each. And then I got all my notes from all 10 and started looking through and highlighting all the commonalities. And I, and again, I know I'm preaching to the choir here.
Oh my gosh, there's so many common things, you know, of this top 10 people. I'm like, you know, first I thought this is gonna be dawning. Like, I'm gonna be trying to do too many new things. You know, it's gonna be overwhelming. I'm not gonna remember. But man, there were so many things that were common amongst all 10 of them. And they're in different fields, different industries, talking about different topics, subjects, et cetera. But it didn't matter. The things that they popped out, that popped out in my notes that were so common, I'm like, holy heck, I'm gonna be so much better just by doing. I'm gonna make these, you know, whatever, five adjustments to how I already speak and how I deliver. And it's gonna be amazing. And, and you know, I I, I think it went really well. I got asked back, I came off the stage and the organizer said, you're coming back next year, right?
So I took that, I took that, that it, it went well. And, but I, I wanna mention also, you talked about you hadn't been on stage because of Covid for so long. I hadn't either. That was the first time I had been on stage since Covid and I got up there, I gotta tell you, Dr. Woolf, and it was, it was a little bit of a, a, a smile and a, an epiphany for me. I got on stage and I just was like, I, I was 10 feet tall. Yeah. I forgot how much I missed speaking in front of people. And it was, the funny thing about it to me was I remembered my teenage self, late teens, early twenties, that I was like, I'll do anything. I'll jump off a building, just don't make me get up in front of people, right? <Laugh>.
But man, I got up there and I was just energized and I was like, Ooh, I'm ready to go. You know? So I wanted to share that because I, you know, that was an interesting thing for me in, in studying those top 10 speakers and everything. And so I, I wanted to touch a little again, we're gonna talk in the next segment, sorry, geez, trying to read and talk at the same time. The next segment we're gonna talk about, you know, effective speaking for entrepreneurs and business owners. But if you could, you know tell us some, a couple things, just maybe one or two, three things that we can do to help overcome mm-hmm. <Affirmative> our fear of public speaking.
I certainly will do that. And, but first I want to comment on your comments. And people who just tuned in has just have just heard Ken say that he loves to be on stage. It's where he belongs. It's where he comes alive. I many of us can identify with, you know, when you got in front of these people or when you taught this, you know, everyone, when you find your thing, it's very exciting not to take a sip. Hold on for a sec. But what you didn't hear in the first segment was that Ken said that he was not a natural speaker. That's what I want you to notice. The contrast that when he worked on himself to get better at it, he not only got better, but he, look how he enjoys it. And he is not different from you. Don't think anyone who's listening don't think you're dumber or less capable.
It's not in your dna. This is a learnable skill. It's like learning an instrument. Just have to do it the whole bunch. In fact, when Ken said there were really just a handful of things that make you better, that's the big reveal today, the big reveal is that you don't have to do a whole lot of things better to be perceived as a very much better speaker. That's why I wrote those few things in a book, because I want to give it to the world. I think a lot of people now are not speaking up because of fear of public speaking, and I fixed it. So the point I want to make to you all to start off with is people who come to me because they're afraid of public speaking, when you say they're commonalities, it's always, if I make a mistake in front of that big group, they're going to think and then fill in the disaster. <Laugh>,
Right? They'll fill in the blank, you know, hate me, not fire me. There goes my career, but lose respect for me. You know, I'm new here. They'll never respect, and this is what I want to share first, when you're speaking to your friends and you say, it's Thursday. No, no, no, it's Friday. Or I, I we're gonna meet at two 30. Oh no, they changed it to three. And then, but each time you fix it and you keep speaking, that's what you're going to do in front of a large group. It's no different. Because if everyone left with one person, you could speak to the one person in that large group, and then if another one came in, whatever your comfort zone is. And with a small group, the point is, there's no such thing as a big group to be afraid of. They're just a bunch of ones who are standing together. That's the kind of information that I've given people. That's my gift to the world, <laugh>. So that's my first takeaway. What do you think of that so far, Ken?
I, I love it. And you know, one of the things that you know, related, and you had mentioned even in the first segment, I think about, you know, don't worry about being confident. You know, one of the things that I, I learned from someone got sage advice a long time ago, was when you go to speak at an event, especially, or anything, a corporate event or in front of your employees, generally speaking, and maybe unless you're a professor sometimes at least the audience is there to see you speak. They want to hear what you have to say, you. So don't worry about being confident. Those people wouldn't have their butts in the seat if they didn't want to hear what you had to say. So they want to hear what you have to say. So that should help, you know, spur your confidence as well and just, you know, understand that they're here for me. They want what I got. You know what I mean? <Laugh>,
That's it. And, and if the audience is like, if it is a sales group or a group that you're trying to sell to, you know, you're a speaker at a convention, then just know that they might have fancier titles than you and make more money than you, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. But at that moment, you have information that they don't know about. And this one nugget qualifies you to be in the room. So stop the comparison thing and think, am I there to help people or am I there to make a Ted talk? Nah, people just want your stuff. Ken and I are on the same page.
Yeah, I love it, Dr. Woolf. Well let, so we're talking again in this week with Dr. Reesa Wolf. You can find out more on her website. That's confidentspeaking.com. Definitely go out. She's on LinkedIn at Reesa Woolf PhD. You can find her there. We're gonna hit a break here, guys, and we come back. We're gonna pick her brain a little bit more about public speaking and about becoming an effective speaker. Because again, you, even as if you're just leading your business and you get nervous speaking in front of your employees, that comes across in a certain way, and she's gonna tell us some ways that we can get better at those things and be more confident when we're speaking in front of a group as a leader, especially, which is critically, critically important.
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Check out all three of Mr. Business best-selling books at mrbizbooks.com. Now, once again, here's Mr. Biz. Biz,
Welcome back to Mr. Biz's radio. And again, we're talking this week with Dr. Reese Woolf. You just showed your book. Would you show that again, if you wouldn't mind?
Oh, twist my arm. No, here, go <laugh>, still
Ask, sorry for the, who are listening and not watching, watching. But <laugh>.
So as I mentioned before, I got white hair. I'm, I, I figure, all right, what have I learned? What can I share? What can I leave on the earth? And it's how to fix public speaking fear to any group at any time. Plus, secondly, how to get attention when you begin speaking and hold it the whole time you're speaking. And then close the deal. So, because people are afraid of public speaking, I didn't write an academic book, I don't like to read those kind of books. I wrote it as a very simple 100 page book. That's a summary of my entire knowledge base, <laugh>. And it is called Mr. Bear Speaks Without Fear. Mr. Bear Speaks Without Fear. How to Speak with authority and confidence. It's on Amazon. And if you love it right now, I need Amazon reviews. I'd be grateful if you'd write something kind,
<Laugh>. It's by the way, guys, don't look, if you're a loyal listener, I wanna make sure you got that right. It's Mr. Bear, not Mr. Biz. Okay? Just make sure it's Mr. Oh, yes, Mr. Biz.
Oh my God, you're gonna sell so many Brooks because of me
<Laugh>. Well, so you've already given us some tips, but if you would, you know, walk us through some other things that we can do to not only, you know, overcome that fear, but just, just in general, being a more effective, you know, speaker when we're speaking in front of, of, of whoever we're speaking in front of,
I'll outline something that I've written about, and that is that whoever you're going to speak to the template to write your talk is this. First, it, it's like a mind map, but the mind map, in the very traditional way of doing it, first put a, make a circle and put two horizontal lines, you know, to write on. The first one is, who am I speaking to? The second one is, when I'm finished, what is it I want them to do? And then write the middle of your talk. What are the points that would make those people want to do that? It's very, very a sim. It's, I think, a rather brilliant simplification of how to customize every talk. And they're gonna immediately listen cuz it's written for them then, because you've already written what it is you want. So after you do those three ideas, then just brainstorm and, you know, just kind of make lines out of each of those first circles.
Write ideas. And, you know, once you edit it down, and I'm not gonna go into it here, but edit them down, you can, because first brainstorm too many things, then edit it down, and then you rewrite only what is left. And that mind map, if you rewrite it clean is gonna be or could be your notes for your, your speech. What I do is I write my talks as a mind map, and then I transfer them to an outline. And even, even if I'm on Zoom and people on the listening can't hear, see this, but I have a little sticky note with an out mm-hmm. <Affirmative>, you know, kind of like an outline <laugh>
That I'm showing to the screen. Yeah. So when I speak, I take my whole talk, put just the, cuz you only need a basic outline, everyone. Yeah. Make a basic outline. I stick it next to the camera on Zoom. Yeah. And I look brilliant. Yeah. And so and so will you. So the whole thing is write a talk. Don't think you can wing it. You've got where you are cuz you've been winging it. Congratulations. I'm delighted that you're so skilled. Guess what? For the next step, you actually have to improve yourself <laugh>. So I would say it's a worthwhile thing to get better at public speaking. Anyway, that's how you write. And then, then throw for like a sentence or a story or something at the top, just the way that Ken opens his shows where he starts off with a little something and then we get right into the content, the whoever the guested is. So he's your role model. You don't have to study 10 speakers. He did copy what he, copy what this man does. He, he, every single thing that he says, I go, oh my God, that's true. You know that, that's so good.
<Laugh>. Well, I love the little sticky thing, so I, I'm guilty of that as well. And, but here's the thing, I if when I first started doing that, I'm like, I, I kind of felt like a little guilty, like, oh, I'm cheating. Like, no, I'm not cheating by the way. Because what most, well, not most, a lot of people don't know, especially if you haven't done a lot of public speaking. Most speakers have a teleprompter. The president of our United States reads from pe teleprompter, like, you know, the, the event I was just at I, I mentioned before we, we started recording the show today. You know, they had a, this big huge production. There's five, 6,000 people there. So it had a round circular stage and there were four teleprompters all around the stage. So, and these were, these are big name people.
I mean, you would rec anyone would recognize the names of these speakers. So it's not cheating, it's, it's being prepared. It's keeping you on point. I know for myself, when I have to get up and speak in front of a big group, I just, I typically will have four points, like, just four points only because I wanna make sure, I don't want to get overwhelmed. I don't wanna be looking at my card or whatever it might be. If I haven't memorized it, depending on how long it is. But I wanna make sure I don't leave anything out, is, again, I get excited when I get up there. It's not necessarily nervous for me. I get fired up and if anything I end up talking too much. Which is what I'm doing right now. So, <laugh>, Dr. Woolf
People, people who are listening don't know that while Ken was saying his story, I was like nodding, nodding, nodding, nodding. This may listen to what he says. This person knows something. Oh, sorry. Did he hear me say that? <Laugh>. Okay. So
Thank you. Thank you.
Do you have any other questions for me?
Yeah, so, so what are some other things we can do? I know you had mentioned like a little, a little story you had about someone, ah, very famous that we all know
Here is something that absolutely works. Although the reason I gave 45 tips when I captured all my ideas in a book is that you read a whole bunch of them and some of 'em are for you, <laugh>. You know, not all of them are your menu, so you ch but every one of them is a sure thing. The ones that every single thing in the book is a sure thing. People who read this book will be able to speak great and not have fear, but, oh, I digress. So a good thing to do is this, when Oprah Winfrey started on, on television, now you know that Oprah not only came from Mississippi, but a small town Mississippi. And when she apparently was already working on her speaking, cuz when she was in college, she got this gig on, she graduated to television. Yeah. And it was for news.
The only person she had ever seen giving the news who was a woman was Barbara Walters. So she completely imitated Barbara Walters for six years. And then one time she made a mistake when she was on you know, on the air and she laughed at herself. And the real Oprah, the person, you know, married with the skillset which she now owned. So I'm saying to every human who is listening, who is it that you admire? How they speak and just be them. Just imitate them. If you were in a party and I said, imitate that person that you like, you would imitate the person do that. You're, listen, they're 12 gates to heaven. You have many personalities. You have you who is at the ballgame, you who's nice and polite at a wedding. You have your business self and this is your performance self. And when you're at a meeting, if you want your ideas heard, learn how to do it. Ken, thanks so much. Yeah, absolutely. For allowing me to be here.
Yeah, no, I, i look, this has been amazing. I, i, it's, it's just, it's such a critical skill. You know, I've preached to my daughters, you gotta learn this stuff. I mean, it's so important to be able to be, you know, have success in your career. No matter what you do, you have to learn this and be really good at it. Again, we're talking this week with Dr. Reesa Woolfe. You can, you can find a more on her website confidentspeaking.com. That's confidentspeaking.com. In her book Mr. Bear
Speaks Without Fear.
Speaks without fear. There we go. And on LinkedIn, Dr. Woolf, thanks so much for coming on the show. I really appreciate it.
My pleasure. I hope I see you again. Take care.
Yeah, absolutely. Well guys, thanks for watching. Thanks for listening. Have a fantastic week. And as always, don't forget, cash Flow is king
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How would you like to have direct access to Mr. Biz to help you run your business more profitably and more efficiently at mrbizsolutions.com you get live access to not only Mr. Biz, but also several of his handpicked and trusted business experts. Each with 20 plus years of experience to help you optimally manage and grow your business. That's just the start of where Mr. Biz solutions begins. Learn more at mrbizsolutions.com. That's mrbizsolutions.com.
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